Strategic Development
Making a Difference – Strategic Plan 2022-27
During the last three years, The King's School has successfully navigated many significant challenges. Some of these have been very exciting for the School’s development, including the move to our new campus and the transition to full co-education. Other challenges have presented less welcome demands such as responding to the pandemic. It was hugely rewarding to receive the recognition of the school’s achievements contained in the recent ISI Inspection Report.
Extensive work has already started on the next phase of the school’s development from 2022 - 2027. The views of our many key stakeholders have been sought, including the wider community, pupils, parents, staff, governors and the Senior Management Team. The outcome of this work has been captured in our strategic plan for the next phase of the school’s development.
The school continues to be ambitious in the pursuit of its aims and we are very excited about this next stage of development. The plans will have a significant impact on the provision for our pupils whilst also seeking to prioritise our sense of community and to have an impact beyond our own school gates. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the plan, then please don’t hesitate to contact school.
Please click the image below to read the plan: