Dame Sarah Storey told young pupils at King's Infant & Junior Division about her lifelong determination 'to be the very best version of herself.'
Infant & Junior Curriculum
King’s Pre-School is very much the start of a child’s learning journey: children experience a stimulating learning environment with all the benefits of a ‘big school’.
In the Infants our aim is to create a stimulating and exciting environment where learning takes place through enjoyment.
Whilst in our Juniors a rich and broad education is at the heart of the our ethos.
Children flourish in small classes with caring, experienced teachers. Each child’s happiness is at the heart of all that we do and dedicated teachers encourage learning through play with an emphasis firmly on fun, whilst also beginning phonics and numeracy programmes.
Pupils gain hugely from many different learning opportunities. King’s Early Years Curriculum stands out from the norm, with its exciting, stimulating and challenging activity programme, designed to grow a child’s mind in every conceivable direction, feeding their spirit and character as they develop a love of learning and enquiry.
Access to both indoor and outdoor classrooms, plus weekly 'forest school' lessons, provide an active, hands-on approach that stimulates learning. Our highly experienced EYFS practitioners are hugely skilled, full of love and fun, enabling the very best first school experience for pupils at King’s. Specialist subject teachers also provide
expert tutorage in the areas of Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Dance, Sport and Outdoor Learning.
We also offer a Breakfast Club, After-School Care and Holiday Club for those that require them.
Our aim is to create a stimulating and exciting environment where learning takes place through enjoyment. Children have their own indoor and outdoor classrooms and we offer a curriculum based on, but going beyond, the national requirements.
Our ‘Learning Challenge’ curriculum encourages cross-curricular teaching and promotes independence, perseverance and investigative skills. Topics explored are adapted to the interests of the children and great care is taken to differentiate according to the needs of individuals. Each half-term, children experience ‘wow’ moments that are linked to the topic being studied and help to bring the curriculum to life. These include trips to museums, libraries and galleries as well as visiting speakers, artists and authors.
Every child is assessed throughout the year and parents are informed of progress through regular contact, parents’ evenings and written reports. Before transition to the Junior Department (Year 3 - Year 6), pupils in Year 2 are required to take an assessment in Mathematics, English and Reasoning. This is to assess their readiness to transfer to the Juniors.
Infants have access to a range of clubs at lunchtimes - such as choir, ICT, craft and construction clubs - plus those available after school such as cookery, football and drama clubs. All pupils have singing and music lessons as part of the curriculum and parents are invited to enjoy shows, concerts and productions.
Inquisitive Minds
A rich and broad education is at the heart of the King’s ethos. Our ‘Learning Challenge’ curriculum provides dedicated time each day for laying strong foundations in English and Mathematics, whilst enquiry questions allow cross-curricular exploration of topics to broaden children's understanding of the world. This approach allows them to engage fully with topics and acquire historical, scientific and geographical knowledge. At the same time they develop life skills such as independent learning, questioning, resilience and reflection. Our pupils are encouraged to take an active part in lessons, express opinions, work collaboratively and develop a positive attitude to learning and the application of knowledge. Pupils enjoy weekly lessons in Computing, Music, PE, Games, Swimming, French/Spanish, Science and Art and Design.
Challenge & Enrichment
A Challenge & Enrichment Programme is available for exceptionally gifted and talented pupils, whilst the curriculum for all pupils is enriched with school trips, visiting speakers, artists and authors, as well as special activities planned throughout the year. Specialist teachers deliver lessons in Music, French/Spanish, PE, Games and Swimming.
Creative Expression
Pupils enjoy lessons in art, dance, design technology, music, drama and creative writing. In Year 4, in addition to a weekly Music lesson, each child is provided with free instrumental tuition in a string, brass or woodwind instrument. Regular concerts, plays and stage shows allow pupils to build confidence, perform and develop team-working skills.
Our pupils benefit from a science-led programme for creating positive wellbeing. ‘My Happy Mind’ is taught to every single child and is designed
to positively impact the mental health of our young people. With its origins in neuroscience, the programme helps embed positive habits and behaviours from a very young age, equipping
children with a tool kit of skills for when tough times come along. As well as teaching pupils the science behind ‘happiness’, the programme
helps children build resilience, self-esteem and confidence, in a fun and engaging way.
Academic Progress & Transfer to Seniors
Academic progress is regularly assessed and reported at parents’ evenings and in reports. At the end of Key Stage 2, it is expected that all children will meet King’s standards in English and Maths, which are above the national standards, in order to transfer to the Senior Division.
Offers of places for Year 7 are made following internal assessments during Year 5 and Year 6. Pupils in Year 6 also take the 11+ assessments taken by external applicants for Year 7, in order to provide baseline data on the full cohort. The full range of Academic Scholarships, Music Scholarships, and Sports Scholarships in the Senior School are available to King’s Juniors.