Bursaries are available at both 11+ (Year 7) entry to the Senior School and 16+ (Year 12) entry to the Sixth Form.
All bursaries are means-tested and are based on both parents' income and assets. As a general guide, households with a gross annual income of less than £59,000 would typically qualify for financial assistance with fees. The level of award may cover from 10% up to 100% of school fees and will be determined by both parental need (means-testing) and school funds available, but a strong academic performance in the Entrance Examination is also required (or for Sixth Form bursaries, we require a strong academic performance at GCSE). A Bursary can stand alone or supplement Scholarships.
Bursary applications are accepted from 1 September - end November, for entry the following September. We are unable to offer Bursaries or Scholarships in our Infant & Junior Division.
For more information on bursary applications, or to request a Bursary Application (KSB1) Form, please speak to the Admissions Department on 01625 260000 or email: admissions@kingsmac.co.uk
Bursaries are available at
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If you have any questions please contact us.
t 01625 260000
e admissions@kingsmac.co.uk