
We are incredibly proud of our King's School Alumni. We have a diverse group of former pupils who have gone on to achieve success in their fields, all around the world. 

If you attended King's or you are a former member of staff or Governor, you have exclusive access to King's Connect, an online platform for our alumni community. King's Connect provides a range of benefits including careers support, job opportunities and networking. It also covers alumni news and is a booking platform for all of our events. Members of King's Connect also receive our annual former pupils' magazine The King's Speech and termly newsletter King's Colours. 

We also have a strong Former Pupils' Association who work with the school on a number of initiatives and support with fundraising.

The school has active social media accounts which can be accessed from the footer below but we also have a number of accounts exclusively for former pupils! 

If you have moved address, changed your email or updated your mobile number, please get in touch to update your details -

Get in touch

To find out more about the Development Office and the work that we do, speak to Debbie Dawson or Petrona Clayton 

t 01625 412329