Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh Award programme is designed to help equip young people with the skills to succeed in life: it enriches the lives of all those taking part by developing the mind, body and soul in an environment of social interaction and team working.
King’s is one of the largest Directly Licensed DofE Centres in the country. Increasing numbers of King’s pupils are undertaking the awards as a way of enriching their CVs and university application forms, as well as gaining a huge range of experiences and life skills, whilst having fun and making a contribution to their wider community.
Each year, around 20 of our students achieve Gold, 50-60 achieve Silver and around 100 -120 achieve Bronze Awards.
Our achievements!
Over the last 5 years, more than 1,200 awards have been started by King’s pupils and they have clocked up in excess of 21,000 hours of voluntary work helping other people, the community, the environment, charities, animals or coaching and teaching. They have also learnt an array of skills including cooking, astronomy, keeping livestock, photography, first aid, car mechanics and many more.
In 2014, King’s Headmaster was invited to St James’ palace and presented with a certificate in recognition that King’s was the first DofE Centre in the country to achieve 100 award completions in one year.
The DofE awards are hard-earned and demand dedication, determination and a strong social conscience. They are also masses of fun and hugely inspiring for young people. The scheme complements perfectly life at King’s and supports our aims to challenge our pupils to aspire, work hard and achieve great things and raise ambitious, confident and well-rounded individuals who play a full role in the wider community.”
Paul Bartle, in charge of the DofE Scheme at King'S
Annual Volunteering Fair
We run an annual volunteering fair in November for all of our lower sixth students plus pupils from Year 10 and 11 who are interested in volunteering opportunities with local charities and organisations. For more information please email: mail@kingsmac.co.uk.